Standardisation of Geological & Geomechanical Assessment
at Underground Coal Mines in Canada

Project Code 601962 RC146

Progress Report 3
by Steve Zou
March 2, 2000

This is a brief progress report for the above project. It covers the period between September 1999 and February 2000. Under the scope of work, the role of Daltech is to compile a computer data base following site visits to the four underground coal mines and to make the data available to participants on website. The information sources are from the collection during the visits and mostly from the compilation of Chris Mark and Steve Forgeron.

Steve Zou visited the Western 2 mines in early Summer of 1999 and the Eastern 2 mines in late February 2000. Data collected during the visits and thereafter include:

- Quinsam - extracts of internal reports and photo copies of mine maps,
- Smoky River - an information pamphlet prepared by P. Cain for visitors during the trip,
- Phalen - extracts of internal documents and photo copies of mine maps,
- Prince - extracts of internal documents and photo copies and disk files of mine maps,
- CANMET test data of rock samples - for Quinsam only.

The report from C Mark was received in middle January 2000 and the one from Steve Forgeron was received on March 1, 2000. Except for Prince, disk files of maps are not available for the other 3 mines yet. Peter Cain is in the process sending disk files and documents on mine design procedure.

As can be seen, lots of data were not available until recent weeks. Our work was mostly based on the available information in hands. Without the complete data, it was not possible to put them together. Considering the delay, we started working in a reversed order: design the website frame, compile the data and file the webpages.

Since 3 months ago, there have been 2 graduate students working on the project: one on website design and one on data compilation. The webpage frame is finished. A draft data base for Quinsam is completed which have to be re-checked against Steve Forgeron’s report. The data base for Smoky River is being built and will be finished when more data are received. We soon will start on the 2 mines of Devco. A description of "the baseline approach to geological, geomechanical assessment and application" will follow.

We are hoping to finish the first draft work by the end of May. The information on the webpages for each mine will then be forwarded to the relevant mine personnel for review of accuracy and confidentiality. Assuming minor revision, the final web data base will be finished and available to everyone by the end of June 2000.