Progress Report 1
Visits to Quinsam Coal and Smoky River Coal

By Steve Zou
May 28, 1999

This is a progress report for the project on "Standardisation of Geological & Geomechanical Assessment at Underground Coal Mines in Canada". This report covers the western site visit to Quinsam Coal and Smoky River Coal, which is part of the project.

1. Quinsam Coal Visit

Steve Zou visited Quinsam Coal between April 25 and 26, 1999. On 25, Steve had a tour underground with Dan Payne to investigate the ground conditions and mining operations in the company. The areas visited include new development headings and retreating panels. On 26, with the help of Dan Payne, Steve Zou reviewed the mine plans, geological and geotechnical information, and checked core samples with the assistance of Steve Forgeron.

The following information has been collected during the visit:

mine maps:
- geological map of the Quinsam area, 1982
- contour maps (seam and surface)*
- mine plan: 2N & 4S (97-E025, v.9)
- mine plan: 4S (as of June 24/1998)
- geological structure (91-BC-105)
- 1992 2N Drilling with faults, plan & sections (91-BC-104)
- 2N, No 1 Main - plan & Profile (91-BC-550)*
- 2N, No 1 Main - plan & Profile (94-QC-132)*
- 2N, No 4 Main - plan & profile (94-QC-54)*
(* the quality of these maps is not very good, new copies are requested)

and limited written information on geology, mine plan and ground support. I asked Dan payne on May 6, 1999 to get disk files for the above maps and some written information.

2. Smoky River Coal

Steve Zou also visited Smoky River Coal between April 28 and 30, 1999. On 28, Steve went underground with the group at the Consortium Meeting guided by mine personnel. The places visited include new developing headings and retreating panels. On 29, Chris Mark gave a presentation on the Coal Mine Roof Rating system (CMRR) and a field demonstration on geomechanics inspection of roof strata. On 30, Steve reviewed the mine plans and had a discussion with Peter Cain on geological and geotechnical issues.

The following information has been collected during the visit:

- a mine plan of 5B-4 mine
- some information on roof strata, planning and ground support.

Due to the busy schedule for Peter Cain during the visit of the consortium group, he could not get more information needed and agreed to send relevant materials later. On May 4, 1999, Steve sent Peter Cain a request for the following materials:

- mine plan map (e.g., #5B-4)
- 5B-4 geological structure map (with faults, weak zones, etc)
- 5B-4 seam contour and may be with surface contour (or cover depth) as well
- one to two vertical x-sections showing geology and coal seam

geotechnical data:
- description of 5B-4 seam,
- roof strata info: rock type, rockmass ratings, thickness, mechanical properties, etc.,
- in situ stresses: magnitude and orientation of principal stresses if available,
- ground water condition: aquifer, water table, water pressure, etc.,
- Methane info if any: gas content and pressure.

geomechanics design:
- description of design principles,
- design of portals and panels (pillar size, x-cuts spacing, etc.),
- use of extended cut.

ground support:
- description of support systems/procedure,
- support at intersections,
- support in weak and failed ground,

3. Recent work completed at Dal Tech

At Dal Tech, a graduate has started working the on the project from May 1/99. A literature search was completed to collect relevant publications on geotechnical design of underground coal mines. Some articles are being reviewed to summarize the general practice. The collected materials from Quinsam Coal are being reviewed as well.

The above materials requested from both Quinsam and Smoky River have not been received. Dan Payne replied and he is still working on it.