01. Record 1 of 437 - GeoRef Disc 5: 1997-1999/02
BK: Development of the longwall strata control and maintenance system (LoSCoMS).
BA: Deb-Debasis
PY: 1997
DG: Doctoral
DI: University of Alabama. Tuscaloosa, AL, United States. Pages: 151. 1997.
AN: 99-08935
02. Record 8 of 437 - GeoRef Disc 5: 1997-1999/02
BK: Identifying physical property trends in coal mine structures using portable on-site test devices.
BA: Vandergrift-Thomas-L; Conover-David-P; Hanna-Kanaan
SO: Bureau of Mines Report of Investigations. 1995. PB: U. S. Department of the Interior, Bureau of Mines. Washington, D.C., United States. Pages: 86. 1995.
PY: 1995
RN: RI-9598
AN: 98-64937
03. Record 12 of 437 - GeoRef Disc 5: 1997-1999/02
TI: Predicting gob cave by rock movement at the Quinsam coal mine.
AU: Cullen-M; Pakalnis-R-C; Payne-D
BK: In: Proceedings of the 2nd North American rock mechanics symposium; NARMS '96, a regional conference of ISRM; Rock mechanics tools and techniques.
BA: Aubertin-Michel (editor); Hassani-Ferri (editor); Mitri-Hani-S (editor)
SO: Proceedings of the ... North American Rock Mechanics Symposium. 2; Pages 443-448. 1996.
PB: A. A. Balkema. Rotterdam, Netherlands. 1996.
PY: 1996
AN: 98-59725
04. Record 14 of 437 - GeoRef Disc 5: 1997-1999/02
TI: Rating the strength of coal mine roof rocks.
AU: Molinda-Gregory-M; Mark-Christopher
BK: In: Proceedings of the 2nd North American rock mechanics symposium; NARMS '96, a regional conference of ISRM; Rock mechanics tools and techniques.
BA: Aubertin-Michel (editor); Hassani-Ferri (editor); Mitri-Hani-S (editor)
SO: Proceedings of the ... North American Rock Mechanics Symposium. 2; Pages 413-422. 1996.
PB: A. A. Balkema. Rotterdam, Netherlands. 1996.
PY: 1996
AN: 98-59722
05. Record 15 of 437 - GeoRef Disc 5: 1997-1999/02
TI: Deformation of strata in board-and-pillar coal mines; I, Convergence observations.
AU: Evison-F-F; Reilly-W-I
SO: New Zealand Journal of Science and Technology, Section B: General Section. 37; 6, Pages 716-30. 1956.
PB: Department of Scientific and Industrial Research (DSIR). Wellington, New Zealand. 1956.
PY: 1956
AN: 98-55773
06. Record 18 of 437 - GeoRef Disc 5: 1997-1999/02
TI: Case study evaluation of geological influences impacting mining conditions at a West Virginia longwall mine.
AU: Keim-K-Scott; Miller-Marshall-S
BK: In: Geological Society of America, Southeastern Section, 47th annual meeting; abstracts.
BA: Anonymous
SO: Abstracts with Programs - Geological Society of America. 30; 4, Pages 20. 1998.
PB: Geological Society of America (GSA). Boulder, CO, United States. 1998.
PY: 1998
AN: 98-53677
07. Record 24 of 437 - GeoRef Disc 5: 1997-1999/02
TI: Digital photogrammetry based automatic measurement of sandstone roof of a mine.
AU: Singh-Rajendra; Chapman-D-P; Atkinson-K-B
SO: Photonirvachak (Dehra Dun). 25; 1, Pages 47-59. 1997.
PB: Indian Society of Photo-Interpretation and Remote Sensing. Dehra Dun, India. 1997.
PY: 1997
AN: 98-43958
08. Record 37 of 437 - GeoRef Disc 5: 1997-1999/02
TI: Control de techos fuertes y potentes en laboreo portajo largo
Translated Title: Controlling thick and strong roofs in longwall mining.
AU: Zhu-Deren; Quian-Mingeao
BK: In: 15. Congreso mundial de mineria; perspectivas para la mineria
Translated Title: Fifteenth world congress on mining; mining perspectives.
BA: Manana-R
SO: Pages 383-392. 1992.
PB: TIASA. Madrid, Spain. 1992.
PY: 1992
AN: 98-16932
09. Record 41 of 437 - GeoRef Disc 4: 1993-1996
TI: Review of applications of the coal-mine roof rating (CMRR) for ground-control planning and operations.
AU: Wuest-W-J; Demarco-M-J; Mark-C
SO: Mining Engineering. 48; 7, Pages 49-55. 1996.
PB: Society for Mining, Metallurgy, and Exploration. Littleton, CO, United States. 1996.
PY: 1996
AN: 96-63763
10. Record 55 of 437 - GeoRef Disc 4: 1993-1996
TI: On features of geological structure in the Zhongliangshan coal mine.
AU: Liu-Yin-an
SO: Sichuan Dizhi Xuebao = Acta Geologica Sichuan. 15; 2, Pages 97-101. 1995.
PB: Sichuan Society of Geology. Chengdu, China. 1995.
PY: 1995
AN: 96-76393
11. Record 58 of 437 - GeoRef Disc 4: 1993-1996
TI: A critical review of an in situ stress monitoring program.
AU: Clark-I-H; Boyd-G-L
BK: In: APCOM XXV; Application of computers and operations research in the minerals industries; technical proceedings.
BA: McKee-Don (chairperson)
SO: Publication Series - Australasian Institute of Mining and Metallurgy. 4/95; Pages 451-456. 1995.
PB: Australasian Institute of Mining and Metallurgy. Parkville, Victoria, Australia. 1995.
PY: 1995
AN: 96-60370
12. Record 62 of 437 - GeoRef Disc 4: 1993-1996
TI: Prediction of bump hazards associated with coal mining under competent roofs.
AU: Karfakis-Mario-G; Wu-Xiaolin
BK: In: Rock mechanics; proceedings of the 35th U. S. symposium.
BA: Daemen-Jaak-J-K (editor); Schultz-Richard-A (editor)
SO: Proceedings - Symposium on Rock Mechanics. 35; Pages 599-604. 1995.
PB: A.A. Balkema. [location varies], United States. 1995.
PY: 1995
AN: 96-17454
13. Record 75 of 437 - GeoRef Disc 4: 1993-1996
BK: New technology for longwall ground control; proceedings; U. S. Bureau of Mines technology transfer seminar.
BA: Mark-Christopher; Tuchman-Robert-J; Repsher-Richard-C; Simon-Catherine-L
SO: Special Publication - United States. Bureau of Mines. 1994.
PB: U. S. Bureau of Mines. Washington, DC, United States. Pages: 145. 1994.
PY: 1994
RN: 01-94
AN: 94-50693
14. Record 77 of 437 - GeoRef Disc 4: 1993-1996
BK: A review of strategies to manage cutter roof failure in coal mines.
BA: Wuest-W-J
SO: Bureau of Mines Information Circular. 1994.
PB: U. S. Bureau of Mines. Washington, DC, United States. Pages: 33. 1994.
PY: 1994
RN: 9383
AN: 94-37626
15. Record 78 of 437 - GeoRef Disc 4: 1993-1996
BK: Coal Mine Roof Rating (CMRR); a practical rock mass classification for coal mines.
BA: Molinda-Gregory-M; Mark-Christopher
SO: Bureau of Mines Information Circular. 1994.
PB: U. S. Bureau of Mines. Washington, DC, United States. Pages: 83. 1994.
PY: 1994
RN: 9387
AN: 94-26230
16. Record 92 of 437 - GeoRef Disc 4: 1993-1996
TI: The relationship between the setting load of powered hydraulic supports and the movement of main roofs.
AU: Pan-Liyou
SO: Huainan Kuangye Xueyuan Xuebao = Journal of Huainan Mining Institute. 14; 1, Pages 54-57. 1994.
PB: Gai Kan Bianjibu. Huainan, China. 1994.
PY: 1994
AN: 96-25583
17. Record 96 of 437 - GeoRef Disc 4: 1993-1996
BK: Longwall gate road stability in four deep Western U.S. coal mines.
BA: Barron-Lance-R; DeMarco-Matthew-J; Kneisley-Richard-O
SO: Bureau of Mines Information Circular. 1994.
PB: U. S. Bureau of Mines. Washington, DC, United States. Pages: 84. 1994.
PY: 1994
RN: 9406
AN: 97-49923
18. Record 97 of 437 - GeoRef Disc 4: 1993-1996
TI: Roof bolting problems in weak roof.
AU: Peng-Syd-S
SO: Mining Engineering. 46; 7, Pages 652-653. 1994.
PB: Society for Mining, Metallurgy, and Exploration. Littleton, CO, United States. 1994.
PY: 1994
AN: 97-49909
19. Record 99 of 437 - GeoRef Disc 4: 1993-1996
BK: Roof control strategies for underground coal mines.
BA: Smith-William-C
SO: Bureau of Mines Information Circular. 1993.
PB: U. S. Bureau of Mines. Washington, DC, United States. Pages: 17. 1993.
PY: 1993
RN: 9351
AN: 93-45573
20. Record 101 of 437 - GeoRef Disc 4: 1993-1996
TI: Geologic factors affecting coal mine roof stability in the Eastern United States.
AU: Kane-William-F; Milici-Robert-C; Gathright-Thomas-M II
SO: Bulletin of the Association of Engineering Geologists. 30; 2, Pages 165-179. 1993.
PB: Association of Engineering Geologists. Dallas, TX, United States. 1993.
PY: 1993
AN: 93-34606
21. Record 105 of 437 - GeoRef Disc 4: 1993-1996
TI: Basic characteristics of coal-seam faults and their geological significance.
AU: Cao-Yunxing; Peng-Lishi; Huo-Quanlin
SO: Dizhi Lunping = Geological Review. 39; 6, Pages 522-528. 1993.
PB: [Geological Society of China]. Beijing, China. 1993.
PY: 1993
AN: 94-39077
22. Record 108 of 437 - GeoRef Disc 4: 1993-1996
BK: Stability assessment of entry roofs in underlying multiple seam mines.
BA: Akram-Muhammad
PY: 1993
DG: Doctoral
DI: Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University. Blacksburg, VA, United States. Pages: 213.
AN: 94-24933
23. Record 110 of 437 - GeoRef Disc 4: 1993-1996
BK: Geological features that contribute to ground control problems in underground coal mines.
BA: Shea-Albin-Valois-R
SO: Bureau of Mines Information Circular. 1993.
PB: U. S. Bureau of Mines. Washington, DC, United States. Pages: 38. 1993.
PY: 1993
RN: 9370
AN: 94-10739
24. Record 111 of 437 - GeoRef Disc 4: 1993-1996
TI: Measurement of displacement around the in-seam roadways with drivage and longwall retreat; rock bolting in Taiheiyo coal mine and the appraisal; 1st report.
AU: Matsumoto-Hiroyuki; Goto-Tatsuhiko; Sato-Tateki; Ikari-Takahiro
SO: Shigen to Sozai = Journal of the Mining and Materials Processing Institute of Japan. 109; 8, Pages 631-637. 1993.
PB: Shigen, Sozai Gakkai. Tokyo, Japan. 1993.
PY: 1993
AN: 94-05819
25. Record 116 of 437 - GeoRef Disc 4: 1993-1996
TI: An overview of application of coal mine ground control techniques in the USA.
AU: Peng-Syd-S
BK: In: Surface and underground case histories.
BA: Hoek-Evert (editor)
CT: In the collection: Comprehensive rock engineering; principles, practice & projects. 1993.
CL: Hudson-John-A (editor)
SO: 5; Pages 433-450. 1993.
PB: Pergamon Press, International. 1993.
PY: 1993
AN: 95-53656
26. Record 117 of 437 - GeoRef Disc 4: 1993-1996
TI: Experiences with the application of modern rock classifications in coal mine roadways.
AU: Sheorey-P-R
BK: In: Surface and underground case histories.
BA: Hoek-Evert (editor)
CT: In the collection: Comprehensive rock engineering; principles, practice & projects. 1993.
CL: Hudson-John-A (editor)
SO: 5; Pages 411-431. 1993.
PB: Pergamon Press, International. 1993.
PY: 1993
AN: 95-53655
27. Record 132 of 437 - GeoRef Disc 3: 1985-1992
TI: Control de techos fuertes y potentes en laboreo portajo largo
Translated Title: Controlling thick and strong roofs in longwall mining.
AU: Zhu-Deren; Quian-Mingeao
BK: In: 15. Congreso mundial de mineria; perspectivas para la mineria
Translated Title: Fifteenth world congress on mining; mining perspectives.
BA: Manana-R
SO: Pages 383-392. 1992.
PB: TIASA. Madrid, Spain. 1992.
PY: 1992
AN: 98-16932
28. Record 134 of 437 - GeoRef Disc 3: 1985-1992
TI: Observation of roof fall mechanism modeling jointed rocks by modified base friction method (MBFM).
AU: Shimada-Sohei
SO: Shigen to Sozai = Journal of the Mining and Materials Processing Institute of Japan. 108; 6, Pages 449-454. 1992.
PB: Shigen, Sozai Gakkai. Tokyo, Japan. 1992.
PY: 1992
AN: 92-47987
29. Record 136 of 437 - GeoRef Disc 3: 1985-1992
BK: Effects of horizontal stress related to stream valleys on the stability of coal mine openings.
BA: Molinda-Gregory-M; Heasley-K-A; Oyler-D-C; Jones-J-R
SO: Bureau of Mines Report of Investigations. 1992.
PB: U. S. Bureau of Mines. Washington, DC, United States. Pages: 26. 1992.
PY: 1992
RN: 9413
AN: 92-37486
30. Record 138 of 437 - GeoRef Disc 3: 1985-1992
TI: Shale facies and mine roof stability; a case study from the Illinois Basin.
AU: Breyer-John-A
SO: Geological Society of America Bulletin. 104; 8, Pages 1024-1030. 1992.
PB: Geological Society of America (GSA). Boulder, CO, United States. 1992.
PY: 1992
AN: 92-34512
31. Record 141 of 437 - GeoRef Disc 3: 1985-1992
BK: Longwall gate road roof instability and methods of control in the Lower Kittanning coalbed of central Pennsylvania.
BA: Bauer-E-R; Listak-J-M; Krupa-E-D
SO: Bureau of Mines Information Circular. 1992.
PB: U. S. Bureau of Mines. Washington, DC, United States. Pages: 20. 1992.
PY: 1992
RN: 9331
AN: 93-36572
32. Record 147 of 437 - GeoRef Disc 3: 1985-1992
TI: Recognition and control of roof falls caused by faults.
AU: Molinda-Gregory-M
BK: In: Preventing coal mine groundfall accidents; how to identify and respond to geologic hazards and prevent unsafe worker behavior.
SO: Bureau of Mines Information Circular. Pages 57-68. 1992.
PB: U. S. Bureau of Mines. Washington, DC, United States. 1992.
PY: 1992
RN: 9332
AN: 93-22088
33. Record 149 of 437 - GeoRef Disc 3: 1985-1992
TI: Geologic structures that affect Appalachian coal mines.
AU: Chase-Frank-E
BK: In: Preventing coal mine groundfall accidents; how to identify and respond to geologic hazards and prevent unsafe worker behavior.
SO: Bureau of Mines Information Circular. Pages 3-14. 1992.
PB: U. S. Bureau of Mines. Washington, DC, United States. 1992.
PY: 1992
RN: 9332
AN: 93-22086
34. Record 155 of 437 - GeoRef Disc 3: 1985-1992
TI: Tektonicka stavba 4. kry Dolu CSM v ostravsko-karvinskem reviru
Translated Title: Tectonic structure of the 4th coal block at CSM Mine in the Ostrava-Karvina coal district.
AU: Strelec-T
SO: Uhli. 40; 5, Pages 169-173. 1992.
PB: Nakadatelstvi Technicke Literatury. Prague, Czech Republic. 1992.
PY: 1992
AN: 94-14837
35. Record 164 of 437 - GeoRef Disc 3: 1985-1992
TI: Engineering to reduce the cost of roof support in a coal mine experiencing complex ground control problems.
AU: Khair-A-W; Peng-S-S
SO: Mining Engineering. 43; 8, Pages 1062-1066. 1991.
PB: Society for Mining, Metallurgy, and Exploration. Littleton, CO, United States. 1991.
PY: 1991
AN: 91-47917
36. Record 166 of 437 - GeoRef Disc 3: 1985-1992
BK: Geostatistical inference and exploration of coal mine roof strata.
BA: Ledvina-Christopher-Thomas
PY: 1991
DG: Doctoral
DI: Northwestern University. Evanston, IL, United States. Pages: 439.
AN: 92-57267
37. Record 167 of 437 - GeoRef Disc 3: 1985-1992
TI: Coping with tectonic stress in the Illinois Basin coal field.
AU: Nelson-W-John; Bauer-Robert-A
BK: In: Geology in coal resource utilization.
BA: Peters-Douglas-C (editor)
SO: Pages 321-334. 1991.
PB: Tech Books, United States. 1991.
PY: 1991
AN: 92-27530
38. Record 169 of 437 - GeoRef Disc 3: 1985-1992
TI: Effects of structural faults on ground control in selected coal mines in Southwest Virginia.
AU: Molinda-Gregory-M; Ingram-David-K
BK: In: Geology in coal resource utilization.
BA: Peters-Douglas-C (editor)
SO: Pages 287-311. 1991.
PB: Tech Books, United States. 1991.
PY: 1991
AN: 92-27528
39. Record 171 of 437 - GeoRef Disc 3: 1985-1992
TI: Roof falls and hazard prediction in eastern Kentucky coal mines.
AU: Greb-Stephen-F
BK: In: Geology in coal resource utilization.
BA: Peters-Douglas-C (editor)
SO: Pages 242-262. 1991.
PB: Tech Books, United States. 1991.
PY: 1991
AN: 92-27526
40. Record 172 of 437 - GeoRef Disc 3: 1985-1992
TI: Geologic diagnosis for reducing coal mine roof failure.
AU: Sames-Gary-P; Moebs-Noel-N
BK: In: Geology in coal resource utilization.
BA: Peters-Douglas-C (editor)
SO: Pages 203-223. 1991.
PB: Tech Books, United States. 1991.
PY: 1991
AN: 92-27524
41. Record 175 of 437 - GeoRef Disc 3: 1985-1992
TI: Reliability of predictive methods for control of roof strata in longwall faces.
AU: Kidybinski-Antoni
BK: In: International conference; Reliability, production and control in coal mines.
BA: Hargraves-Alan (chairperson)
SO: Pages 235-241. 1991.
PB: Australas. Inst. Min. and Metall., Illawarra Branch. Parkville, Victoria, Australia. 1991.
PY: 1991
AN: 92-23399
42. Record 180 of 437 - GeoRef Disc 3: 1985-1992
TI: Horizontal stress and its effect on longwall ground control.
AU: Mark-C
SO: Mining Engineering. 43; 11, Pages 1356-1360. 1991.
PB: Society for Mining, Metallurgy, and Exploration. Littleton, CO, United States. 1991.
PY: 1991
AN: 92-07792
43. Record 183 0f 437 - GeoRef Disc 3: 1985-1992
TI: Advanced surveying method for measuring roof convergence.
AU: Rashad-M-Z; El-Sageer-E-Ali
BK: In: Tenth international conference on Ground control in mining; Proceedings.
BA: Peng-Syd-S (editor)
SO: International Conference on Ground Control in Mining. 10; Pages 263-267. 1991.
PB: West Virginia University, College of Mineral and Energy Resources, Dep. of Mining Engineering. Morgantown, WV, United States. 1991.
PY: 1991
AN: 92-03616
44. Record 188 of 437 - GeoRef Disc 3: 1985-1992
TI: Assessment of underground structural design.
AU: Krupa-E-D; Khair-A-W
BK: In: Tenth international conference on Ground control in mining; Proceedings.
BA: Peng-Syd-S (editor)
SO: International Conference on Ground Control in Mining. 10; Pages 14-25. 1991.
PB: West Virginia University, College of Mineral and Energy Resources, Dep. of Mining Engineering. Morgantown, WV, United States. 1991.
PY: 1991
AN: 92-03604
45. Record 191 of 437 - GeoRef Disc 3: 1985-1992
TI: Roof instability induced by stress relief jointing in central Appalachian drift coal mines.
AU: Sames-Gary-P; Moebs-Noel-N
SO: The Journal of Coal Quality. 10; 3, Pages 74-81. 1991.
PB: Coal Testing Conference. Charleston, WV, United States. 1991.
PY: 1991
AN: 92-02034
46. Record 200 of 437 - GeoRef Disc 3: 1985-1992
BK: Geological assessment of coal mine roof conditions, southern Sydney Basin.
BA: Stone-Ian-James
PY: 1990
DG: Doctoral
DI: University of Wollongong. Wollongong, N.S.W., Australia.
AN: 91-52520
47. Record 222 of 437 - GeoRef Disc 3: 1985-1992
TI: Probabilistic techniques in roof failure prediction.
AU: Fraher-R; Zhou-Y; Haycocks-Christopher
BK: In: Rock mechanics; contributions and challenges; proceedings of the 31st U.S. symposium.
BA: Hustrulid-W-A (editor); Johnson-G-A (editor)
SO: Proceedings - Symposium on Rock Mechanics. 31; Pages 195-202. 1990.
PB: A.A. Balkema. [location varies], United States. 1990.
PY: 1990
AN: 91-01104
48. Record 223 of 437 - GeoRef Disc 3: 1985-1992
TI: The effects of roof and floor interface slip on coal pillar behavior.
AU: Iannacchione-Anthony-T
BK: In: Rock mechanics; contributions and challenges; proceedings of the 31st U.S. symposium.
BA: Hustrulid-W-A (editor); Johnson-G-A (editor)
SO: Proceedings - Symposium on Rock Mechanics. 31; Pages 153-160. 1990.
PB: A.A. Balkema. [location varies], United States. 1990.
PY: 1990
AN: 91-01099
49. Record 229 of 437 - GeoRef Disc 3: 1985-1992
TI: Geology and strata behaviour around longwalls at Cook Colliery.
AU: Rixon-L-K
BK: In: Bowen Basin symposium 1990; proceedings; incorporating GSA(SLD Division) field conference.
BA: Beeston-J-W (compiler)
SO: Pages 110-111. 1990.
PB: Geol. Soc. Aust., Bowen Basin Geol. Group, Australia. 1990.
PY: 1990
AN: 92-13011
50. Record 230 of 437 - GeoRef Disc 3: 1985-1992
TI: The effect of hazardous geologic structures on gateroad stability.
AU: Chase-Frank-E; Mark-Christopher
BK: In: Ninth international conference on Ground control in mining; proceedings.
BA: Peng-Syd-S (editor)
SO: International Conference on Ground Control in Mining. 9; Pages 218-229. 1990.
PB: West Virginia University, College of Mineral and Energy Resources, Dep. of Mining Engineering. Morgantown, WV, United States. 1990.
PY: 1990
AN: 92-06315
51. Record 234 of 437 - GeoRef Disc 3: 1985-1992
TI: A new rock mass failure criteria based on rate of movement.
AU: Maleki-Hamid
BK: In: Ninth international conference on Ground control in mining; proceedings.
BA: Peng-Syd-S (editor)
SO: International Conference on Ground Control in Mining. 9; Pages 117-127. 1990.
PB: West Virginia University, College of Mineral and Energy Resources, Dep. of Mining Engineering. Morgantown, WV, United States. 1990.
PY: 1990
AN: 92-06309
52. Record 248 of 437 - GeoRef Disc 3: 1985-1992
TI: Stress control methods help to optimize underground mine design.
AU: Serata-Shosei; Lawshe-Mark
SO: Mining Engineering. 41; 3, Pages 158-160. 1989.
PB: Society for Mining, Metallurgy, and Exploration. Littleton, CO, United States. 1989.
PY: 1989
AN: 89-40912
53. Record 249 of 437 - GeoRef Disc 3: 1985-1992
TI: Appalachian roof instability.
AU: Moebs-Noel-N; Bauer-Erick-R
SO: Coal (Chicago, Ill.). 26; 3, Pages 43-45. 1989.
PB: Maclean Hunter Publishing. Chicago, IL, United States. 1989.
PY: 1989
AN: 89-37883
54. Record 253 of 437 - GeoRef Disc 3: 1985-1992
TI: Distribution spatiale de fractures dans le toit en longues tailles
Translated Title: Spatial distribution patterns of cracks in longwall roofs.
AU: Vervoort-A; Brych-J; de-Crombrugghe-O
BK: In: Proceedings; Rock at great depth; rock mechanics and rock physics at great depth--Comptes rendus; Mecanique des roches et physique des roches en condition de grande profondeur--Berichte; Felsmechanik und Felsphysik in grosser Tiefe; Volume 2.
BA: Maury-V (editor); Fourmaintraux-Dominique (editor)
SO: Pages 711-718. 1989.
PB: A. A. Balkema. Rotterdam, Netherlands. 1989.
PY: 1989
AN: 90-59351
55. Record 269 of 437 - GeoRef Disc 3: 1985-1992
TI: System behavior analysis of the ground movement around a longwall.
AU: Wu-Jian; Zhao-Shichang
BK: In: Rock mechanics as a guide for efficient utilization of natural resources; proceedings of the 30th U. S. symposium.
BA: Khair-A-Wahab (editor)
SO: Proceedings - Symposium on Rock Mechanics. 30; Pages 845-852. 1989.
PB: A.A. Balkema. [location varies], United States. 1989.
PY: 1989
AN: 91-00656
56. Record 274 of 437 - GeoRef Disc 3: 1985-1992
TI: Relationship between the clay fabric of roof shales and roof collapse in mines of the Herrin Coal, southern Illinois.
AU: Bodus-Theresa-M
BK: In: Rock mechanics as a guide for efficient utilization of natural resources; proceedings of the 30th U. S. symposium.
BA: Khair-A-Wahab (editor)
SO: Proceedings - Symposium on Rock Mechanics. 30; Pages 605. 1989.
PB: A.A. Balkema. [location varies], United States. 1989.
PY: 1989
AN: 91-00626
57. Record 275 of 437 - GeoRef Disc 3: 1985-1992
TI: The research on the mechanical properties of hard roof in underground coal mining.
AU: Xu-Lin-Sheng; Shong-Yong-Jing
BK: In: Rock mechanics as a guide for efficient utilization of natural resources; proceedings of the 30th U. S. symposium.
BA: Khair-A-Wahab (editor)
SO: Proceedings - Symposium on Rock Mechanics. 30; Pages 579-586. 1989.
PB: A.A. Balkema. [location varies], United States. 1989.
PY: 1989
AN: 91-00623
58. Record 277 of 437 - GeoRef Disc 3: 1985-1992
TI: A study of displacement field of main roof in longwall mining and its application.
AU: Zhu-Deren; Qian-Mingga; Peng-Syd-S
BK: In: Rock mechanics as a guide for efficient utilization of natural resources; proceedings of the 30th U. S. symposium.
BA: Khair-A-Wahab (editor)
SO: Proceedings - Symposium on Rock Mechanics. 30; Pages 149-156. 1989.
PB: A.A. Balkema. [location varies], United States. 1989.
PY: 1989
AN: 91-00572
59. Record 278 of 437 - GeoRef Disc 3: 1985-1992
BK: Roof control of stress-relief jointing near outcrops in Central Appalachian drift coal mines.
BA: Sames-Gary-P; Moebs-Noel-N
SO: Bureau of Mines Information Circular. 1989.
PB: U. S. Bureau of Mines. Washington, DC, United States. Pages: 11. 1989.
PY: 1989
RN: IC 9313
AN: 92-64897
60. Record 283 of 437 - GeoRef Disc 3: 1985-1992
TI: Increasing the recovery of thick and closely spaced coal seams in the western US; some geologic and longwall considerations.
AU: Donna-L-Boreck
SO: Mining Engineering. 40; 3, Pages 168-173. 1988.
PB: Society for Mining, Metallurgy, and Exploration. Littleton, CO, United States. 1988.
PY: 1988
AN: 88-75834
61. Record 284 of 437 - GeoRef Disc 3: 1985-1992
TI: Lineaments; a predictive tool for bad roof.
AU: Moebs-Noel-N; Sames-Gary-P
SO: Coal (Chicago, Ill.). 25; 3, Pages 94-96. 1988.
PB: Maclean Hunter Publishing. Chicago, IL, United States. 1988.
PY: 1988
AN: 88-53199
62. Record 285 of 437 - GeoRef Disc 3: 1985-1992
BK: Detection of roof instability by monitoring the rate of movement.
BA: Maleki-Hamid-N; McVey-James-R
SO: Bureau of Mines Report of Investigations. 1988.
PB: U. S. Bureau of Mines. Washington, DC, United States. Pages: 12. 1988.
PY: 1988
RN: 9170
AN: 88-51841
63. Record 286 of 437 - GeoRef Disc 3: 1985-1992
BK: Geologic conditions affecting coal mine ground control in the Western United States.
BA: Sames-Gary-P; Laird-Robert-B
SO: Bureau of Mines Information Circular. 9172; 1988.
PB: U. S. Bureau of Mines. Washington, DC, United States. Pages: 30. 1988.
PY: 1988
AN: 88-40937
64. Record 289 of 437 - GeoRef Disc 3: 1985-1992
BK: An evaluation of strata support techniques in dual life gateroads.
BA: Trueman-R
PY: 1988
DG: Doctoral
DI: Univ. Coll. Cardiff. Cardiff, United Kingdom. Pages: 362.
AN: 89-79501
65. Record 292 of 437 - GeoRef Disc 3: 1985-1992
TI: Geologic features of Urling Mine complex, Keystone Coal Company, Indiana County, Pennsylvania.
AU: Harvan-Stephen-J
BK: In: AAPG Eastern Section meeting.
BA: Anonymous
SO: AAPG Bulletin. 72; 8, Pages 964. 1988.
PB: American Association of Petroleum Geologists. Tulsa, OK, United States. 1988.
PY: 1988
AN: 89-50278
66. Record 293 of 437 - GeoRef Disc 3: 1985-1992
TI: Geologic models for coal-mine roof failures in Kentucky.
AU: Greb-Stephen-F; Cobb-James-C
BK: In: AAPG Eastern Section meeting.
BA: Anonymous
SO: AAPG Bulletin. 72; 8, Pages 963. 1988.
PB: American Association of Petroleum Geologists. Tulsa, OK, United States. 1988.
PY: 1988
AN: 89-50275
67. Record 296 of 437 - GeoRef Disc 3: 1985-1992
TI: Characterization of chain pillar stability in a deep western coal mine; a case study.
AU: DeMarco-M-J; Koehler-J-R; Lu-P-H
SO: Mining Engineering. 40; 12, Pages 1115-1119. 1988.
PB: Society for Mining, Metallurgy, and Exploration. Littleton, CO, United States. 1988.
PY: 1988
AN: 89-39791
68. Record 301 of 437 - GeoRef Disc 3: 1985-1992
TI: Geomechanical evaluation of a coal mine arched entry.
AU: Aggson-J-R; Mouyard-D-P
SO: International Journal of Mining and Geological Engineering. 6; 3, Pages 185-193. 1988.
PB: Chapman and Hall. London, United Kingdom. 1988.
PY: 1988
AN: 89-27241
69. Record 306 of 437 - GeoRef Disc 3: 1985-1992
BK: Causes and control of coal mine bumps.
BA: Haramy-K-Y; McDonnell-J-P
SO: Bureau of Mines Report of Investigations. 1988.
PB: U. S. Bureau of Mines. Washington, DC, United States. Pages: 35. 1988.
PY: 1988
RN: RI-9225
AN: 89-22964
70. Record 314 of 437 - GeoRef Disc 3: 1985-1992
TI: Lineament analysis for hazard assessment in advance of coal mining.
AU: Peters-Douglas-C; Speiree-Robert-A; Shea-Valois-R
BK: In: Proceedings of the Sixth thematic conference on Remote sensing for exploration geology; applications, technology, economics.
BA: Rogers-Robert-H (chairperson)
SO: Proceedings of the Thematic Conference on Geologic Remote Sensing. 6, Vol. 1; Pages 253-264. 1988.
PB: Environmental Research Institute of Michigan. Ann Arbor, MI, United States. 1988.
PY: 1988
AN: 91-23598
71. Record 315 of 437 - GeoRef Disc 3: 1985-1992
TI: Basic research on the theory and method of control designing in coal face.
AU: Song-Zhenqi; Jiang-Yujing
BK: In: Modelling of mine structures; proceedings of the 10th plenary scientific session of the International Bureau of Strata Mechanics; World MIning Congress.
BA: Kidybinski-A (editor); Kwasniewski-M (editor)
SO: International Bureau of Strata Mechanics. Plenary Scientific Session. Pages 177-184. 1988.
PB: A.A. Balkema. Rotterdam, International. 1988.
PY: 1988
AN: 91-05635
72. Record 319 of 437 - GeoRef Disc 3: 1985-1992
TI: Modelling of longwall roof rock behaviour; a rock mass classification approach.
AU: Ghose-A-K
BK: In: Modelling of mine structures; proceedings of the 10th plenary scientific session of the International Bureau of Strata Mechanics; World MIning Congress.
BA: Kidybinski-A (editor); Kwasniewski-M (editor)
SO: International Bureau of Strata Mechanics. Plenary Scientific Session. Pages 25. 1988.
PB: A.A. Balkema. Rotterdam, International. 1988.
PY: 1988
AN: 91-05616
73. Record 325 of 437 - GeoRef Disc 3: 1985-1992
BK: Ground response to longwall mining; a case study of two-entry yield pillar evolution in weak rock.
BA: Maleki-Hamid
SO: Colorado School of Mines Quarterly. 83; 3, 1988.
PB: Colorado School of Mines. Golden, CO, United States. Pages: 52. 1988.
PY: 1988
AN: 96-70147
74. Record 326 of 437 - GeoRef Disc 3: 1985-1992
TI: Adverse effects of crevasse-splay deposits in an Appalachian coal mine, eastern Kentucky.
AU: Greb-Stephen-F
BK: In: Association round table; AAPG Eastern Section meeting; abstracts.
BA: Anonymous
SO: AAPG Bulletin. 71; 9, Pages 1105. 1987.
PB: American Association of Petroleum Geologists. Tulsa, OK, United States. 1987.
PY: 1987
AN: 87-83384
75. Record 327 of 437 - GeoRef Disc 3: 1985-1992
TI: The geology of coal mine roof falls in southwestern Virginia.
AU: Milici-R-C; Gathright-T-M II
BK: In: Abstracts of papers; Sixty-fifth annual meeting of the Virginia Academy of Science.
BA: Anonymous
SO: Virginia Journal of Science. 38; 2, Pages 129. 1987.
PB: Virginia Academy of Science. Norfolk, VA, United States. 1987.
PY: 1987
AN: 87-79781
76. Record 333 of 437 - GeoRef Disc 3: 1985-1992
TI: Thrust faults in southern Illinois Basin; result of contemporary stress?.
AU: Nelson-W-John; Bauer-Robert-A
SO: Geological Society of America Bulletin. 98; 3, Pages 302-307. 1987.
PB: Geological Society of America (GSA). Boulder, CO, United States. 1987.
PY: 1987
AN: 87-38300
77. Record 335 of 437 - GeoRef Disc 3: 1985-1992
BK: Engineering geologic parameters and their relationship to roof falls in a coal mine on the Appalachian Plateau, Pennsylvania.
BA: Blackmer-Gale-Corless
PB: 87. 1987.
PY: 1987
DG: Master's
DI: Pennsylvania State University, University Park. University Park, PA, United States. Pages: 87.
AN: 88-77468
78. Record 340 of 437 - GeoRef Disc 3: 1985-1992
TI: Classification and modeling of roof-control problems in an eastern Kentucky coal mine.
AU: Greb-Stephen-F; Cobb-James-C
BK: In: Geological Society of America, 1987 annual meeting and exposition.
BA: Dickinson-William-R (chairperson)
SO: Abstracts with Programs - Geological Society of America. 19; 7, Pages 682-683. 1987.
PB: Geological Society of America (GSA). Boulder, CO, United States. 1987.
PY: 1987
AN: 88-55239
79. Record 343 of 437 - GeoRef Disc 3: 1985-1992
TI: Development of an Australian colliery roadway support nomogram using artificial intelligence computing systems.
AU: Shepherd-J; Walton-K-P; Nemes-Nemeth-Z
BK: In: Geology and coal mining conference.
BA: Anonymous
SO: Abstracts - Geological Society of Australia. 20; Pages 218-229. 1987.
PB: Geological Society of Australia. Sydney, N.S.W., Australia. 1987.
PY: 1987
AN: 88-40038
80. Record 344 of 437 - GeoRef Disc 3: 1985-1992
TI: Site characterisation and forecasting underground mining conditions.
AU: Stone-Ian-J
BK: In: Geology and coal mining conference.
BA: Anonymous
SO: Abstracts - Geological Society of Australia. 20; Pages 127-135. 1987.
PB: Geological Society of Australia. Sydney, N.S.W., Australia. 1987.
PY: 1987
AN: 88-40029
81. Record 345 of 437 - GeoRef Disc 3: 1985-1992
TI: The role of weathering on roof instability in Venkatesh Khani-7 Incline of Godavari Valley Coalfield.
AU: Chandra-D; Sharma-D-N
SO: Journal of Mines, Metals and Fuels. 35; 7, Pages 320-322. 1987.
PB: Books and Journals Private. Calcutta, India. 1987.
PY: 1987
AN: 88-28055
82. Record 347 of 437 - GeoRef Disc 3: 1985-1992
BK: Analysis of cutter roof failure induced by clastic dikes in an underground coal mine.
BA: Bauer-Eric-R; Hill-John-L III
SO: Bureau of Mines Report of Investigations. 1987.
PB: U. S. Bureau of Mines. Washington, DC, United States. Pages: 23. 1987.
PY: 1987
RN: 9117
AN: 88-15000
83. Record 361 of 437 - GeoRef Disc 3: 1985-1992
TI: Longwall design improvement through a geotechnical program.
AU: Maleki-Hamid-N; Agapito-J-F-T; Carlisle-Trula-B; Lauman-Robert-G
BK: In: Coal mining technology, economics and policy 1987; session papers from the American Mining Congress coal convention.
BA: Conger-Harry-M (chairperson); Knebel-John-A (president)
SO: Annual Report and Proceedings - American Mining Congress. 1987; 1987.
PB: American Mining Congress. Washington, DC, United States. Pages: 18. 1987.
PY: 1987
AN: 90-30914
84. Record 365 of 437 - GeoRef Disc 3: 1985-1992
TI: Strata III; a full-spectrum roof control concept.
AU: Perry-John-H; Yonko-Norman-M; McCabe-Kirk-W
BK: In: Proceedings, 6th international conference on Ground control in mining.
BA: Peng-Syd-S
SO: International Conference on Ground Control in Mining. 6; Pages 133-140. 1987.
PB: West Virginia University, College of Mineral and Energy Resources, Dep. of Mining Engineering. Morgantown, WV, United States. 1987.
PY: 1987
AN: 92-06424
85. Record 366 of 437 - GeoRef Disc 3: 1985-1992
TI: A novel ground control program at Plateau Mining Company.
AU: Maleki-Hamid; Carlisle-Trula; Hunt-Greg; Agapito-J-F-T
BK: In: Proceedings, 6th international conference on Ground control in mining.
BA: Peng-Syd-S
SO: International Conference on Ground Control in Mining. 6; Pages 118-125. 1987.
PB: West Virginia University, College of Mineral and Energy Resources, Dep. of Mining Engineering. Morgantown, WV, United States. 1987.
PY: 1987
AN: 92-06422
86. Record 368 of 437 - GeoRef Disc 3: 1985-1992
TI: Coal mine ground control using a prototype expert system.
AU: Kane-William-F
BK: In: 63rd annual meeting of the Alabama Academy of Science at Auburn University at Montgomery.
BA: Mason-W-H (editor)
SO: The Journal of the Alabama Academy of Science. 57; 3, Pages 147. 1986.
PB: Auburn University. Auburn, AL, United States. 1986.
PY: 1986
AN: 86-75483
87. Record 369 of 437 - GeoRef Disc 3: 1985-1992
TI: Use of remote sensing in predicting coal mine roof falls.
AU: Owens-Daryl-S
BK: In: 63rd annual meeting of the Alabama Academy of Science at Auburn University at Montgomery.
BA: Mason-W-H (editor)
SO: The Journal of the Alabama Academy of Science. 57; 3, Pages 145. 1986.
PB: Auburn University. Auburn, AL, United States. 1986.
PY: 1986
AN: 86-75478
88. Record 371 of 437 - GeoRef Disc 3: 1985-1992
BK: Coal mine roof instability; categories and causes.
BA: Moebs-Noel-N; Stateham-Raymond-M
SO: Bureau of Mines Information Circular. 9076; Pages 15. 1986.
PB: U. S. Bureau of Mines. Washington, DC, United States. 1986.
PY: 1986
AN: 86-59912
89. Record 372 of 437 - GeoRef Disc 3: 1985-1992
TI: Prediction of ground control problems for underground coal mining in southern Alberta.
AU: Rozier-Ian
SO: CIM Bulletin (1974). 79; 885, Pages 61-66. 1986.
PB: Canadian Institute of Mining and Metallurgy. Montreal, PQ, Canada. 1986.
PY: 1986
AN: 86-26658
90. Record 377 of 437 - GeoRef Disc 3: 1985-1992
BK: Geomechanical principles of induced caving in development workings.
BA: Borzykh-A-F; Khudyakov-A-N; Onishchenko-S-I
PB: Pages: 8. 1986.
PY: 1986
RN: 1664076
AN: 87-22232
91. Record 379 of 437 - GeoRef Disc 3: 1985-1992
TI: Future thick-seam development in Western United States; geologic considerations.
AU: Boreck-Donna-L
BK: In: AAPG Rocky Mountain Section meeting; abstracts.
BA: Anonymous
SO: AAPG Bulletin. 70; 8, Pages 1032. 1986.
PB: American Association of Petroleum Geologists. Tulsa, OK, United States. 1986.
PY: 1986
AN: 87-01972
92. Record 381 of 437 - GeoRef Disc 3: 1985-1992
TI: Structural stability of coal mine entry intersections; case studies.
AU: Hanna-K; Conover-D; Haramy-K; Kneisley-R
BK: In: Proceedings of the 27th U.S. symposium on rock mechanics; key to energy production.
BA: Hartman-Howard-L (editor)
SO: Proceedings - Symposium on Rock Mechanics. 27; Pages 512-519. 1986.
PB: A.A. Balkema. [location varies], United States. 1986.
PY: 1986
AN: 87-01291
93. Record 384 of 437 - GeoRef Disc 3: 1985-1992
TI: Modified version of the geomechanics classification for entry design in underground coal mines.
AU: Newman-D-A; Bieniawski-Z-T
SO: Transactions of the American Institute of Mining, Metallurgical and Petroleum Engineers, Incorporated (AIME). 280; Pages 2134-2138. 1986.
PB: Society of Petroleum Engineers. Dallas, TX, United States. 1986.
PY: 1986
AN: 88-43227
94. Record 386 of 437 - GeoRef Disc 3: 1985-1992
TI: Investigation of the causes of roof falls in a deep underground coal mine.
AU: Su-W-H; Peng-S-S
SO: Transactions of the American Institute of Mining, Metallurgical and Petroleum Engineers, Incorporated (AIME). 280; Pages 2019-2023. 1986.
PB: Society of Petroleum Engineers. Dallas, TX, United States. 1986.
PY: 1986
AN: 88-43222
95. Record 406 of 437 - GeoRef Disc 3: 1985-1992
TI: Subtle bedding plane faults; a major factor contributing to coal mine roof falls in southwestern Virginia.
AU: Milici-Robert-C; Gathright-Thomas-M II; Miller-Barry-W; Gwin-Marvin-R; Stanley-Charles-B
BK: In: The Lowry Volume; Studies in Appalachian geology.
BA: McDowell-Robert-C (editor); Glover-Lynn III (editor); Rodgers-John; Bambach-Richard-K; Gray-David-R
SO: Memoir - Department of Geological Sciences, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University. 3; Pages 83-95. 1986.
PB: Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University, Department of Geological Sciences. Blacksburg, VA, United States. 1986.
PY: 1986
AN: 88-05441
96. Record 407 of 437 - GeoRef Disc 3: 1985-1992
TI: Geological investigations at Duncan Colliery, Tasmania.
AU: Williams-R-J; Bacon-C-A
BK: In: Advances in the study of the Sydney Basin.
BA: Diessel-Claus-F-K (convener)
SO: Advances in the Study of the Sydney Basin: Proceedings of the Symposium. 20; Pages 92-96. 1986.
PB: University of Newcastle, N.S.W., Department of Geology. Newcastle, N.S.W., Australia. 1986.
PY: 1986
AN: 90-62646
97. Record 412 of 437 - GeoRef Disc 3: 1985-1992
TI: Statistical modeling and mapping selected physical characteristics associated with roof falls in an eastern Kentucky coal mine.
AU: Smith-Alan-D
BK: In: April program abstracts; 94th annual meeting of the Ohio Academy of Science.
BA: Anonymous
SO: The Ohio Journal of Science. 85; 2, Pages 27. 1985.
PB: Ohio Academy of Science. Columbus, OH, United States. 1985.
PY: 1985
AN: 85-57643
98. Record 413 of 437 - GeoRef Disc 3: 1985-1992
TI: Coring and borescope determination of immediate lithologic characteristics of adjacent stable and unstable coal mine roofs.
AU: Smith-Alan-D
BK: In: April program abstracts; 94th annual meeting of the Ohio Academy of Science.
BA: Anonymous
SO: The Ohio Journal of Science. 85; 2, Pages 26-27. 1985.
PB: Ohio Academy of Science. Columbus, OH, United States. 1985.
PY: 1985
AN: 85-57642
99. Record 417 of 437 - GeoRef Disc 3: 1985-1992
TI: Causes and mechanisms of massive pillar failure in a southern West Virginia coal mine.
AU: Khair-A-W; Peng-S-S
SO: Mining Engineering. 37; 4, Pages 323-328. 1985.
PB: Society for Mining, Metallurgy, and Exploration. Littleton, CO, United States. 1985.
PY: 1985
AN: 85-49391
100. Record 430 of 437 - GeoRef Disc 3: 1985-1992
BK: The design of coal mine roof support and yielding pillars for longwall mining in the Appalachian Coalfield.
BA: Newman-David-Alan
PY: 1985
DG: Doctoral
DI: Pennsylvania State University, University Park. University Park, PA, United States. Pages: 419.
AN: 86-17312
101. Record 432 of 437 - GeoRef Disc 3: 1985-1992
BK: Geologic features related to coal mine roof falls; a guide for miner training.
BA: Milici-Robert-C; Gathright-Thomas-M II
SO: Virginia Division of Mineral Resources Publication. 55; 1985.
PB: Commonwealth of Virginia, Department of Conservation and Economic Development, Division of Mineral Resources. Charlottesville, VA, United States. Pages: 13. 1985.
PY: 1985
AN: 86-10858
102. Record 435 of 437 - GeoRef Disc 3: 1985-1992
BK: Roof geology and coal seam characteristics of the No. 3 Mine, Hardscrabble Canyon, Carbon County, Utah.
BA: Bunnell-Mark-D
PY: 1985
DG: Master's
DI: Brigham Young University. Provo, UT, United States.
AN: 88-24120
103. Record 437 of 437 - GeoRef Disc 3: 1985-1992
TI: Use of sonic logs in evaluating roof-rock strength for an underground coal mine.
AU: West-T-R; Hummeldorf-R-G
BK: In: Proceedings of the 36th annual Highway geology symposium on Building on/ with sedimentary bedrock.
BA: West-Terry-R (editor)
SO: Proceedings of the Annual Highway Geology Symposium. 36; Pages 174-202. 1985.
PB: Highway Geology Symposium. Atlanta, GA, United States. 1985.
PY: 1985
AN: 97-52725