Derek Apel School of Mining and Petroleum Engineering Dept. of Civil / Environmental Engineering University of Alberta |
3-045 Markin/CNRL Natural Resources Engineering Facility Edmonton, Alberta T6G 2G7 Tel: 780-492-3379 Fax: 780-492-5747 E-mail: |
Gary Bonnell formerly with Natural Resources Canada CANMET, MMSL, Sudbury Lab |
1079 Kelly Lake Road Sudbury, Ontario P3E 5P5 Tel: 705-682-4642 E-mail: |
Richard Booth - retired Deputy Chief Inspector, Health and Safety B.C. Ministry of Energy, Mines and Petroleum Resources Mining and Minerals Division |
P.O. Box 9320 Stn Prov Govt Victoria, BC V8W 9N3 Parcels: 1810 Blanshard St. Victoria, BC V8W 1X3 Tel: 250-952-0464 Fax: 250-952-0491 E-mail: |
Angela Beattie, M.Eng., P.Eng., P.Geol. Director, Regulatory Affairs CST Coal |
Suite 500, 800 - 5th Avenue SW Calgary, Alberta T2P 3T6 Tel: 403-767-6529 E-mail: |
Peter Cain Ph.D., P. Eng. Head of Engineering and Consulting DMT Geosciences Ltd. Adjunct Professor of Mining Engineering at the University of Alberta, Edmonton |
117 - 828 Harbourside Drive North Vancouver, British Columbia V7P 3R9 Cell: 403-380-9712 E-mail: |
Shannon Campbell, P.Eng. Kameron Coal Management Ltd (Donkin Mine) |
750 Long Beach Rd P.O. Box 3766 Donkin, Nova Scotia B1A 6P8 Tel: 902-554-3025 Cell: E-mail: |
Gwyneth Cathyl-Huhn, Chief Geologist Conuma Coal Resources Limited |
2719 Dunsmuir Ave. (Courier Address) P.O. Box 40 Cumberland, British Columbia V0R 1S0 Cell: 250-242-7216 E-mail: |
Michael Cullen EBA Engineering Consultants Ltd. |
RR#2 Site 298 C12 Courtenay, BC V9N 5M9 Tel: 250-334-1511 Fax: 250-334-9232 E-mail: |
Paul Elkins Mining West, Enforcement & Surveillance - Mining Alberta Energy Regulator |
Suite 201, 5002 55 Street Red Deer, Alberta T4N 7A4 Tel: 403-755-8449 Fax: 403-340-5136 Cell: 403-877-9884 E-mail: |
Gary Ellerbrok |
Cell: E-mail: |
David Forrester DJFCL - DJ Forrester Consultancy Limited |
1892 Highway 28 South Bar Sydney, Nova Scotia B1N 3H5 Tel: 902-539-5709 (home) Cell: 902-565-8563 E-mail: |
Jorge Freitas, P.Eng. Senior Inspector of Mines, Electrical BC Ministry of Energy, Mines and Petroleum Resources |
P.O. Box 9320 Stn Prov Govt Victoria, BC V8W 9N3 Tel: 250-888-1564 Fax: 250-952-0491 E-mail: |
Ray Grant Electrical Engineer, P.Eng Nova Scotia Dept. of Labour & Advanced Education Occupational Health & Safety Division |
360 Prince Street Suite 32 Sydney, NS B1P 5L1 Tel: 902-563-2485 Cell: 902-456-2312 E-mail: |
Hermanus Henning Chief Inspector of Mines, Health and Safety B.C. Ministry of Energy, Mines and Petroleum Resources Mining and Minerals Division |
P.O. Box 9320 Stn Prov Govt Victoria, BC V8W 9N3 Parcels: 1810 Blanshard St. Victoria, BC V8W 1X3 Tel: 250-419-8659 Fax: 250-952-0491 E-mail: |
Don Hindy former Mines Health and Safety Program Coordinator Alberta Human Resources and Employment Workplace Health, Safety and Strategic Services |
902, 10808-99th Ave Edmonton, Alberta T5K 0G5 Tel: 780-415-0585 Fax: 780-427-5698 Cell: 780-913-5247 E-mail: |
Eric Hinton P.Eng. Boge & Boge (1980) Ltd |
268 Ellen Street Winnipeg, Manitoba R3A 1A7 Tel: 204-942-7276 Fax: 204-942-7288 Cell: 204-381-6043 E-mail: |
Al Hoffman Manager, Occupational Health B.C. Ministry of Energy, Mines and Petroleum Resources Mining and Minerals Division |
P.O. Box 9320 Stn Prov Govt Victoria, BC V8W 9N3 Parcels: 1810 Blanshard Street Victoria, BC V8W 1X3 Tel: 250-952-0494 Fax: 250-952-0491 E-mail: |
Fazal Hussain Safety Engineering Specialist Occupational Health and Safety Branch Government of Alberta |
J.G. O'Donoghue Building 7000 - 113 Street Edmonton, Alberta T6H 5T6 Tel: 780-415-0585 Fax: 780-422-0014 E-mail: |
Norm Johnson Mine Manager HD MIning International Ltd. Murray River Mine |
Tel: 778-837-1688 E-mail: |
Don Jones Faculty of Engineering Mineral Resource Engineering Dalhousie University |
1360 Barrington Street Halifax NS B3J 1Z1 Tel: 902-494-6108 Fax: 902-425-1037 E-mail: |
Tim Joseph School of Mining and Petroleum Engineering Dept. of Civil / Environmental Engineering University of Alberta |
220 Civil / Environmental Building Edmonton, Alberta T6G 2G7 Tel: 780-492-3810 Fax: 780-492-0249 E-mail: |
Masud Khan P.Eng., M.Eng, Mechanical Engineer OHS Mining Unit - Jobs, Skills, Training and Labour Occupational Health and Safety Government of Alberta |
10th Floor South Tower, 7th Street Plaza 10030-107 Street NW Edmonton, Alberta T5J 3E4 Tel: 780-638-4338 Fax: 780-427-0999 E-mail: |
Ron King Electrical Engineer - P.Eng. R F King & Associates |
Tel: 250-652-8045 Fax: 250-652-8046 Mobile: 250-896-6511 E-mail: |
Cyril J LeBlanc Mining Engineer, P.Eng Nova Scotia Dept. of Labour & Advanced Education Occupational Health & Safety Division |
360 Prince Street Suite 32 Sydney, NS B1P 5L1 Tel: 902-574-5640 E-mail: |
Vincent Li P.Eng. P. Geo. Vice President and Chief Engineer Canadian Dehua International Mines Group |
1450 - 1199 West Hastings Street Vancouver, British Columbia V6E 3T5 Tel: 604-697-0118 ext 107 Mobile: 604-928-1811 E-mail: |
Wei Victor Liu Ph.D. Assistant Professor School of Mining and Petroleum Engineering Dept. of Civil / Environmental Engineering University of Alberta |
3-052 Markin/CNRL Natural Resources Engineering Facility Edmonton, Alberta T6G 2W2 Tel: 780-248-5649 E-mail: |
George Lobay Zone 1 Technical Services Inc. |
308-404 Laurier Ave. East Ottawa, Ontario K1N 6R2 Tel: 613-454-5992 E-mail: |
Garry MacDonald - retired Sr. Inspector of Mines / Mechanical B.C. Ministry of Energy, Mines and Petroleum Resources Mining and Minerals Division |
2nd Floor, 441 Columbia Street Kamloops, BC V2C 2T3 Tel: 780-922-3649 Cell: 250-423-0262 E-mail: |
Ali Madiseh, PhD Canada Research Chair in Advanced Mine Energy Systems University of British Columbia |
Norman B. Keevil Institute of Mining Engineering Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada Tel: 604-827-2028 E-mail: |
Chris Mark Pittsburg Research Lab NIOSH |
P.O Box 18070 Pittsburgh, PA 15236 Tel: 412-386-6522 Fax: 412-386-6891 E-mail: |
Charles B. Napier President Devrial Resources Inc. |
PO Box 1702 Grande Cache, Alberta T0E 0Y0 Tel: 780-827-5044 Fax: 780-827-5044 Cell: 780-827-6642 E-mail: |
Muneer Naseer P.Eng. Director of Mines Occupational Health and Safety Branch Government of Alberta |
J.G. O'Donoghue Building 7000 - 113 Street Edmonton, Alberta T6H 5T6 Tel: 780-422-4711 Fax: 780-422-0014 Cell: 780-913-5247 E-mail: |
Udo Renk P.Eng. (Alberta, British Columbia) Renk Mining Consulting |
9429 124 Avenue Grande Prairie, Alberta T8V 5Y6 Tel: 780-402-9691 Cell: 780-518-9186 E-mail: |
Agus Pulung Sasmito, PhD Department of Mining and Materials Engineering McGill University |
3450 University Street, F.D. Adams Bldg Room 115 Montreal, Quebec, Canada H3A 2A7 Tel: 514-398-3788 E-mail: |
Benoit Sawyer Controller Canadian Institute of Mining, Metallurgy and Petroleum (CIM) |
1250 - 3500 de Maisonneuve Blvd. W. Westmount (Montreal), Quebec H3Z 3C1 Tel: 514-939-2710 ext 1314 Fax: 514-939-2714 E-mail: |
Dwayne Tannant School of Mining and Petroleum Engineering Dept. of Civil / Environmental Engineering University of Alberta |
220 Civil / Environmental Building Edmonton, Alberta T6G 2G7 Tel: 780-492-3379 Fax: 780-492-0249 E-mail: |
Rolly Thorpe - retired Deputy Chief Inspector of Mines, Health and Safety B.C. Ministry of Energy, Mines and Petroleum Resources Mining and Minerals Division |
P.O. Box 9320 Stn Prov Govt Victoria, BC V8W 9N3 Parcels: 1810 Blanshard St. Victoria, BC V8W 1X3 Tel: 250-952-0471 Cell: 250-360-7594 E-mail: |
Shad Todd Kameron Coal Management Ltd (Donkin Mine) |
750 Long Beach Rd P.O. Box 3766 Donkin, Nova Scotia B1A 6P8 Tel: 902-554-3025 ext 304 Cell: 902-217-0287 E-mail: |
Wayne Webster Grande Cache Coal Company |
P.O. Box 8000 Grande Cache, Alberta T0E 0Y0 Tel: 780-827-1042 Fax: 780-827-4637 E-mail: |
Pleman Woodland Mining Engineer Nova Scotia Dept. of Labour and Advanced Education |
P.O Box 697 5151 Terminal Road Halifax, NS B3J 2T8 Tel: 902-424-0451 Fax: 902-424-3239 Cell: 902-497-2919 E-mail: |
Michael Xiao Project Manager HD Mining International Ltd. |
#2288-1177 West Hastings St. Vancouver, BC V6E 2K3 Tel: 604-689-8669 Fax: 604-689-0969 E-mail: |
David Young Natural Resources Canada MMS/MTB/MMSL |
Nepean, Ontario c/o 555 Booth Street Ottawa, Ontario K1A 0G1 Tel: 613-943-9265 Fax: 613-996-2597 E-mail: |